ALostSoulWarrior's avatar


Moved guys..;w;''
75 Watchers0 Deviations


New Username Symbols

As part of our ongoing process to make the user experience cleaner and more intuitive, we've launched a new set of username symbols designed to help easily identify deviant-types. Easily Identifiable At a glance, the new symbols are quickly recognizable. When hovering over a username symbol, a tooltip appears, providing a brief explanation of that user's deviant-type. If clicked, a modal appears, giving a brief explanation for each username symbol, with "Learn more" links that lead to more detailed explanations. A word from Heidi: Over the years, a few things have come to seem like deviantART mainstays. Deviant green, intricate art categori


3875 deviations

New Username Symbols

As part of our ongoing process to make the user experience cleaner and more intuitive, we've launched a new set of username symbols designed to help easily identify deviant-types. Easily Identifiable At a glance, the new symbols are quickly recognizable. When hovering over a username symbol, a tooltip appears, providing a brief explanation of that user's deviant-type. If clicked, a modal appears, giving a brief explanation for each username symbol, with "Learn more" links that lead to more detailed explanations. A word from Heidi: Over the years, a few things have come to seem like deviantART mainstays. Deviant green, intricate art categori


2926 deviations
Call of Duty: World at War Eeveelution


66 deviations

Makky Makarov

25 deviations
Cat Fight Lineart

Bases I May.Will use

116 deviations

Nazi Zombies, Nazis, Russians, and history s

16 deviations

MLP Related

52 deviations
''Leg, Teach Me how to Run Fast!!!'' For PewDiePie


1 deviation


5 deviations

References, Adopts, and Tutorials

10 deviations
[SFM]Adventure time

Adventure Time

2 deviations

Warrior Cats and Cats

52 deviations

Creepy Yet Cool Ocs

2 deviations
.:Tajki's Aging:. Base Used

Ocs of All Kinds

2 deviations
Durarara CreepyPasta Crossover

SCP and Creepypastas

13 deviations
Call of Duty: World at War Eeveelution


30 deviations
Hetalia USUK fans stamp


4 deviations
Flying with the Dragons


9 deviations


1 deviation
Hetalia cat designs

Hetaila mostly Russia XD

4 deviations
Courage Sprite


5 deviations

medic x reader

You didn’t enjoy a visit to medic’s infirmary. Not. One. Bit. It was hot and stuffy, while the tension in the air only made the two of you more uncomfortable. You didn’t speak much around the guys, but fell completely silent around the doctor. It wasn’t that you disliked him, in fact, it was the exact opposite. Your heart melted at the slightest glimpse of him, causing you to avoid him in battle as well. Injuries were left untreated, usually fixed later in the day by respawn. But on off-occasions, you managed to hurt yourself at the very end of the work day, and couldn’t go to bed without treatment. Now you sat u


6 deviations

Stuff for Me

3 deviations

His Voice is just Beautiful

I keep falling  asleep to a World War II Soviet song called The Dark Night. I don't know why...but I can see either Chernov, Kazimir, or Nikolai singing it....


2 deviations
Need A Lift?

Shadow Cats FTW

1 deviation
What A Surprise

Hatoful Boyfriend

1 deviation